Château le Bomb - #2

It's been a busy week at The Delightful Sausage as we're cracking on with preparations for the first episode of Ch(Alt + 0226)teau le Bomb   Here's what's been completed:

  • Flyer & poster designs completed.
  • 1000 flyers printed & distribution commenced. 
  • Facebook group established.
  • Link for tickets built with Wegottickets.
  • Began piecing together the line-up and structure.  


Honestly, in my heart I know we've not found the CLB look with these designs. The colours are too garish. I'm not sure the lead illustration really conveys the concept and I don't think it all gels together. The truth is that I spent a week longer than I should have done looking at a blank page and doodling an endless versions of sausages. 

In the end we had to crack on and print because we'll start missing deadlines and opportunities to distribute the flyers. 

Even though I'm confident that these designs are not the end point for CLB, I think think they do a few things well. Firstly, you've got all the key details you need to get yourself a ticket. The text used is also pretty tight, getting across what the night is about and a dash of the type of humor.   

Here are the designs:

CLB Flyer Design

CLB Poster Design

Printers checklist

Here's a list of things you'll need to check out before you head to the printers to fork out your cash. Always get someone else to review what you've produced. With these flyers I had read them through several times but it was only until a friend pointed it out to me that  it was missing the dates but I was sweating so much I'd lost perspective a bit.  

  • What is the night all about and what can a punter expect?
  • Does it have the dates and times included?
  • Is it going to cost me anything?
  • Where can I get my hands on a ticket?
  • Where is the venue? 

No ticket?

Look like all this chat about promotional marketing has got you excited. Well, I'm happy to say you can now get your tickets right here

Next up

We've still got to take a run at the press release as well as getting out on the street and flyering. I hate flyering.