
Your stuff, anywhere

I've got this friend who codes websites for a living, he's the type of guy who can delete your internet history but you know really delete it. The other day he starts sounding off like a foghorn on Bebo about the place he's working at because they've firewalled Dropbox.com which he denounced as 'archaic' and 'ridiculous'. 

Is this a fair reaction and are the Systems department being nuthin' but a set of choads? Well, if you think about it, Dropbox potentially could operate as a Trojan horse bringing malevolent content within the city (fire)walls.

Here are just a few of the potential consequences of allowing access:

  • Someone could download loads of images of Miley Cyrus which could get forwarded with every red-blooded mail in copy. Pretty soon, productivity has ground down to zero because everyone's in a state of erotic fever like some tongue speaking Christian Revival.
  • You could download the schematics for some effed-up, 3D printed horn instrument that makes a sound like two bulls mating in a copper drum. And that's pretty distracting.  
  • There could be a copy of an email written as if it's from some figure of authority, like a bank teller or the guy who keeps the service at Pret a Manger so slick. It could say that for the best result you should set the office thermostat 10 degrees higher than it currently is which would lead to years worth of bile bubbling to the surface. Nothing short of total blood-soaked carnage.