3 guys, 9 bottles of beer and 1 big idea

This week I had the first of many meetings with Ben and Matt (who rolled up to my birthday party to cries of "who is this grisly old sailor") to talk about our next super top secret comedy project. 

We're not ready to tell anyone all the nitty gritty as right now it's got pyrotechnics that'll singe those eyebrows you use to raise at gay marriage within the panelled walls of your private members club, it's even got Emeli Sande singing us into the interval. Right now it's a lot of things and the next job is to start developing, refining and slashing at all the ideas we've had to get to something that's going to thrill and arouse the audiences but is also something that can exist in reality. *scrunches up post-it note with 'Robot?' written on it*.  

If you're not already going door to door to spread the word on Crying Duck Comedy, they're a group of good Christian boys who're throwing together some of the most interesting alternative comedy events in London. Read more about them here.

2014 is under way and, having sobered up, I'm left with the realisation that I'm a stone overweight. We're just here to live our lives, right?